Victory Cafe Race Entries

Entries Open

Entries are open via the link below for the Victory Cafe Race race to be held on Saturday 29th March. Please be advised that the closing date for entries is Thursday 27th March and there will be strictly no entry on the day so please ensure you get your entries in asap.

You will see during the entry process that there is an optional facility to enter the additional races in the Manx fell series (listed in the entry information section and numbered event 3 to event 7). This is only optional and entry to the other races can be done at any time prior to that event closing date.

Victory Cafe Race is race event 3 with a closing date of Thursday 27th March

Change of race location Saturday 29th March (Slieau Ruy)

The road past Glen Helen is scheduled to be closed for an extended period from mid March. Unfortunately we have no guarantee that the road and car park will be fully open in time for the Slieau Ruy race. A decision has been made to change the race location now to ensure access and enable recceing of the race route. The race will take place from the Bungalow and visit Clagh Ouyr and Slieau Lhean. It will be called the Victory Cafe race in recognition of the support MFR have received. A short course/junior race will take place in the same area, final route to be decided.

Click on the link below for map and route description for the full Victory Cafe Race.

Victory Cafe Fell Race - map and route description

Narradale 2025 Entries

Entries are open via the link below for the Narradale race to be held on Sunday 2nd March. Please be advised that the closing date for entries is Friday 28th February and there will be strictly no entry on the day so please ensure you get your entries in asap.

You will see during the entry process that there is now an optional facility to enter the additional races in the Manx fell series (listed in the entry information section and numbered event 2 to event 7). This is only optional and entry to the other races can be done at any time prior to that event closing date.

Narradale is race event 2 with a closing date of Friday 28th February

Snaefell & The Tholtans 2025 Entry

Entries Now Open

Closing date Wednesday 5th February

Entries are now open via the link below for the Snaefell & The Tholtans race to be held on Saturday 8th February. Please be advised that there is an earlier than normal closing date for entries (Wednesday 5th February) and there will be strictly no entry on the day so please ensure you get your entries in asap.

You will see during the entry process that there is now an optional facility to enter the additional races in the Manx fell series (listed in the entry information section and numbered event 1 to event 7). This is only optional and entry to the other races can be done at any time prior to that event closing date.

Snaefell and The Tholtans is race event 1 with a closing date of Wednesday 5th February

St John's Fell Race 2025

[Image: Jack freeman]


For all those competing in New Year Day`s St John`s Fell Race can you please have a look at the following information? Apologies for it being a bit long winded but our aim is to ensure we get the race going as near as we can to the scheduled 13.30 start time and everyone’s cooperation will help us achieve this. The weather on Wednesday could be quite unpleasant. We may have to alter arrangements slightly according to the prevailing conditions

Registration is at the St John`s Football Club from 12.15 until 13.00. If you can arrive to register in good time it will help our hard working crew to get everyone sorted quickly. Please note that there is a temporary road closure on the section of the Foxdale Road outside the club house from 13.00 until 15.00. The closure will be from the Patrick Road corner to near the DEFA HQ.

The start and finish will in the St John`s and Peel cricket ground which is situated next to the football club. At the request of the clubs please do not warm up on any of the grassed area`s within the cricket or football fields. There is plenty of room on the old railway lines which can be easily accessed from the football ground. No dogs in the grassed areas please.

All registered competitors are asked to congregate on the road by the entrance to the cricket field by 13.20. From here you will have your race number checked on to the start line in numerical order. This is a mandatory part of our race safety regulations for our insurance cover.

Race numbers must be placed on the chest and be clearly visible at the start, the safety check on the return leg entrance in to the plantation and the finish. It is vital that if any runner retires from the race that they report back to the finish official’s. Failure to do so could result in the emergency services being called out to look for you as every race number must be accounted for.

Full safety gear is not required but as the weather forecast is not very promising we would very strongly recommend that you carry a water proof jacket. Although a fair amount of the course is within the well sheltered Slieau Whallian Plantation there is a pretty long ridge run to the summit and back which can be quite hostile when the weather is poor. Most of the course will be flagged and marshalled. Fancy dress is optional. If worn, it should not hinder running. Costumes must allow safe running and overtaking on ground which is often steep and slippery, with some very narrow paths, tree roots and low branches. No fancy dress objects to be carried please. Although we try and keep this event fairly relaxed and especially welcoming to newcomers it must be remembered that it is very much a registered fell race that is run under UK Fell Runners Association rules. It is definitely not a fun run.

There is plenty of parking spaces in St John`s. There will be limited space at the football club and the car park on Station Road. We recommend that everyone uses the big park behind the Tynwald Inn which can be accessed from either Peel Road or Station Road which is a short 5 minute walk to the clubhouse.

Refreshments will be available at the football club post race. There will be no charge for the refreshments but there will be a bucket for donations which will go to the local Salvation Army along with all the entry fees.

[Richie Stevenson]