Axnfell (not 2024)

Distance - 33km (Short - 10km)

Ascent - 1800m (Short - 620m)

Category - A/Superlong (Short - AS)

Start - Axnfell Plantation (GR 423837)

The organisers reserve the right to change any part of the course and their decision on any matter concerning the race is final. Minimum age of entry is 18 years on day of race or 16 for the short race. Held under FRA rules, waterproof whole body cover, map and compass, whistle and emergency food are required


Race Route (Long Course)

Compulsory sections in BOLD

  • Start and finish in main car park at Axnfell Plantation GR 423837. Follow flagged route down to Laxey River, follow path to Baldhoon road and turn left along road for 400 metres. Turn right into fields and follow flagged section to mountain wall gate. Ascend to Cronk y Vaare GR 411864 UNMANNED CONTROL (1). Punch.

  • Travel south west CROSSING OVER JAMES COULSON STILE to Windy Corner GR 390845.MANNED SAFETY CONTROL. Cross mountain road and descend on path to greenway GR 379840

  • Follow greenway and then flagged route though Ballachrink Farm to reservoir dam wall. Turn left along West Baldwin Road and right at Ard Whallin Adventure Centre and through flagged fields to stile at mountain wall GR 353834

  • Ascend to The Creg summit (cairn – NOT quarry/building ruin) GR 346833. UNMANNED CONTROL (2). Punch

  • Ascend to Colden GR 343843. UNMANNED CONTROL (3).Punch

  • Descend north east to path GR 349840 and follow path through plantation (Governor Loch Road) to West Baldwin Road GR 358838. (Alternative route from Colden to stile and path at GR 354843 and then reverse of old Killer Mile can be used to West Baldwin Road GR 358838.) MANNED SAFETY CONTROL.(Drinks) CUT OFF TIME 3 HOURS

  • Turn left at road for 275 metres and turn right at gate and follow track/path to Carraghan summit GR 368848. UNMANNED CONTROL (4).Punch

  • Descend Carraghan and ascend to Beinn - y - Phott GR 380860. UNMANNED CONTROL (5). Punch

  • Descend Beinn y Phott to Brandywell Road at Millennium Way crossing GR 376865, MANNED SAFETY CONTROL. (Drinks) BRANDYWELL ROAD IS OUT OF BOUNDS APART FROM THE DESIGNATED CROSSING POINT Descend to and cross the Millennium way Bridge GR 384874.

  • Ascend direct to Tholt Y Will Road to manned road crossing AND control punch (6) GR387875.

  • Ascend to Snaefell GR 397880L UNMANNED CONTROL (7).Punch

  • Descend to Black Hut GR 405885 MANNED SAFETY CONTROL. (Drinks) CUT OFF TIME 5 HOURS.

  • Ascend to Clagh Ouyr GR 414889. UNMANNED CONTROL (8). Punch

  • Descend to Corrany Mines GR 429889. UNMANNED CONTROL (9). Punch DO NOT CLIMB OVER ANY FENCES/WALLS.

  • Ascend to Slieau Lhean GR 426877. UNMANNED CONTROL (10). Punch

  • Descend into Snaefell Valley, RUNNERS MUST CROSS WALL USING STILE AT GR409875. Proceed to Mine Captains House. MANNED SAFETY CONTROL. (Drinks) GR. 408874.

  • Ascend to Cronk y Vaare GR 411864. UNMANNED CONTROL (11).Punch

  • Retrace outward route back to start/finish Axnfell car park. GR 423837