Creg race for Kate

Distance - 13km

Ascent - 880m

Category - A/Medium

Junior/Novice Race - Yes

Registration and Start - Victory Cafe, The Bungalow, Mountain Road (GR 396867)

The organisers reserve the right to change any part of the course and their decision on any matter concerning the race is final. Minimum age of entry is 18 years, turning 19 years by 31st December. Held under FRA rules, waterproof whole body cover (jacket with attached hood and trousers both with taped seams), hat & gloves, map and compass, whistle and emergency food are required

A short course (less than 5km) for juniors and novices will be held in conjunction with this race, the course will be fully marked. Minimum age for the short course is 12 (and turning 13 by 31st December). Short course runners must bring waterproof jacket (not just windproof), waterproof trousers, hat, gloves and whistle. Requirements may be relaxed on the day.

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Route Description (Anti-clockwise starting at The Bungalow)

NB: Compulsory sections shown in BOLD

  • Start at the Victory Cafe, Bungalow. GR SC  396867

  •   Ascend to UNMANNED CONTROL (1) Snaefell Summit GR. SC 397880

  • Descend to cross railway line to MANNED  CONTROL (2) above Tholt y Will Road   GR SC 387876. Cross only  under marshals instruction.

  • Descend to Millennium Way bridge VIA FLAGGED ROUTE TO STILE and ascend via Millennium Way  to Brandywell Road MANNED SAFETY CONTROL (3) GR SC 377865. Cross only under marshal instruction. Brandywell Road is OUT OF BOUNDS except at marshalled crossing point.

  • Follow Millenium Way to gate and ascend to Carraghan Summit UNMANNED CONTROL  (4) GR SC 369849. DO NOT CROSS USING WALL.

  • Return to gate on Millennium Way,  DO NOT CROSS USING WALL,  and ascend to Beinn y Phott UNMANNED CONTROL (5) GR SC 381861

  • Descend to UNMANNED CONTROL (6) bottom corner of wall above Dhoon Farm. GR SC 383852

  • Ascend  to Windy Corner MANNED SAFETY CONTROL (7), cross on marshals instruction GR SC 391844

  •   Ascend to UNMANNED CONTROL (8) at Slieau Lhost summit GR SC 397880

  • Descend to Windy Corner, cross wall via stile and ascend to Mullagh Ouyr UNMANNED CONTROL (9).

  • Descend to Bungalow, FOLLOWING FLAGGED ROUTE to finish before foot bridge .