Spirit of Axnfell

Distance - 31km

Ascent - 2100m

Category - A/Superlong

Start - Bungalow (GR 396867)

Click on the image to open the map

The organisers reserve the right to change any part of the course and their decision on any matter concerning the race is final. Minimum age of entry is 18 years on day of race or 16 for the short race. Held under FRA rules, waterproof whole body cover, hat and gloves, map and compass, whistle and emergency food are required

Route Description:

All CP’s have punches. Numbers will be recorded at Safety CP’s (some without punches).

  • START: GR: 396867. Laxey side of Mountain Road, near Tram Lines.

  • Proceed down the hill to the chimney at Snaefell Mines for CP1/6 GR: 406875 (MANNED SAFETY CONTROL - numbers recorded on way back).

  • Head north towards Black Hut, using the stile (GR409876) above the Mines Captain’s House (Compulsory). CP2 is at the far end of the new board walk near the Black Hut/Mountain Road crossing GR407885.

  • Make way to true Summit of Clagh Ouyr (not the Doc’s Cairn) CP3, GR414889, before descending into the Corony Valley to CP4 GR423891, located at the stile by farm buildings (DO NOT CROSS ANY FENCES OR WALLS).

  • Climb to CP5, summit of Slieau Lhean GR426877 and then return to the stile at GR409876 and down to CP6 (MANNED SAFETY CONTROL). From CP 6, follow the flagged route to the tram lines and cross with care, then proceed to CP7, Cronk y Vaare GR411864.

  • From Cronk y Vaare, keep the dry stone wall on your left (this MUST NOT be crossed). At the corner of the wall, there is gate access over a wire fence, then ascend to CP8 at the James Coulson stile.

  • Proceed from the stile to the cairn at Mullagh Ouyr and follow the flags (to avoid peat regeneration work) to the Mountain Road footbridge at GR396867, and cross the road using the bridge. Please note there is a strict 3 hour cut off at the bridge. Drinks/food may be left here.

  • From the bridge, contour along the inside of the fence line to the Brandywell road, cross the road near the cattle grid, and access the open fell side via several gates. Once in open fell side, proceed to the rocky outcrop at Creg-y-cowin (Gob-y-Creggagh) and CP9 GR382843.

  • Follow the path to a stile, and then the main track to the road to Ballachrink Farm. Follow the flagged route to the Injebrek Reservoir Dam. Turn left along West Baldwin Road and right at Ard Whallin Adventure Centre and through flagged fields to stile at mountain wall GR 353834

  • Ascend to The Creg summit (cairn – NOT quarry/building ruin) CP10, GR 346833.

  • Ascend to Colden CP11, GR 343843.

  • Descend north east to path GR 349840 and follow path through plantation (Governor Loch Road) to West Baldwin Road GR 358838. MANNED SAFETY CONTROL (Drinks).

  • Turn left at road for 275 metres and turn right at gate and follow track/path to Carraghan summit CP12, GR 368848.

  • Descend Carraghan and ascend to Beinn - y - Phott CP13, GR 380860.

  • Descend Beinn y Phott to Brandywell Road at Millennium Way crossing GR 376865, MANNED SAFETY CONTROL. BRANDYWELL ROAD IS OUT OF BOUNDS APART FROM THE DESIGNATED CROSSING POINT Descend to and cross the Millennium way Bridge GR 384874. Ascend direct to Tholt Y Will Road to CP14, GR387875, MANNED SAFETY CONTROL (Drinks).

  • Ascend to summit of Snaefell CP15, GR397880.

  • Descend to FINISH at Bungalow, GR396868.