Victory Cafe (inc Junior/Novice Race)

Distance - Main Race - 8km. Short Course - < 5km

Ascent - Main Race - 520m, Short Course - TBC

Category - A/Short

Start -  Laxey side of the mountain road near the tram lines at Grid ref 396867

The organisers reserve the right to change any part of the course and their decision on any matter concerning the race is final. Minimum age of entry is 18 years for the long course and 12 (13 by 31/12/2025 for the short course). Held under FRA rules, waterproof whole body cover, map and compass, whistle and emergency food are required for runners in the long course race, Short/junior course runners must bring waterproof jacket (not just windproof), waterproof trousers, hat, gloves and whistle.

Race Route

Use the pedestrian bridge to cross the Mountain Road to access the start and finish. Cross tram lines with care as the trams will be running.

Start/Finish: Laxey side of the mountain road near the tram lines at Grid ref 396867

Proceed down to CP 1/5 at the chimney at Snaefell mines Grid ref 406875 Then ascend until you cross over the compulsory stile Grid ref 409876 above the Mines Captains House.

From the stile there is a free choice of route you can do CPs 2, 3 and 4 in any order you want.

CP 2 is the summit of Slieau Lhean Grif ref 426877

CP 3 is in the valley at the head of the river where two tributaries join Grid ref 419 883

CP 4 is the summit of Clagh Ouyr Grid ref 414889

After Checking in at CPs 2, 3 & 4 return to the compulsory stile and on to CP 1/5 before returning to the start/finish.