Baldwin Valleys race updated 18/2/14
/Aston International Sponsored RD 3, Of The Wi-Manx Manx Fell Running League
The 3rd round of the Wi Manx Fell League takes place on Saturday 22nd February. Sponsored by Aston International, the Baldwin Valleys race covers a 14km roughly circular route with the start and finish at Ballawylin Beg in East Baldwin.
Start time is 12.30pm for any runners expecting to take more than 2hrs 30mins with the main race starting at 1.00pm. Registration will be from 12.00pm until 12.20pm for the early and 12.35pm until 12.55pm for the main start. Full safety gear is mandatory for all runners and this will be checked at registration.
Route maps and route descriptions can be downloaded by clicking on the Races and Results pull down on the Website or by looking on the "Files" section of the MFR Facebook page. All runners must have a copy of the race map in their safety gear.
The Baldwin race is also known as the “cake race”. Competitors are invited to bring along a home baked cake for everyone to enjoy in the post race refreshments.
Minimal parking is available at Ballawyllin Beg, please park sensibly and respectfully, please keep off the grass.
Any runner who has not completed a medium or long fell race before must have taken part in one of the course recces.