Manx Wilderness Challenge Results (2019)


The inaugural Manx Wilderness Challenge seemed to be very well received on Saturday with 29 pairs navigating their own routes over a vast area surrounding Sulby Reservoir.

Nick Colburn and Lloyd Taggart opted for a challenging route but timed it almost impeccably to arrive just a few seconds over the allotted 4hr time. Their impressive points haul of 455 was over a hundred clear of their nearest rivals Jackie Taggart and Eleanor Gawne. Gary Christian and Dominic Murphy surprised a few with a very well executed navigational strategy to finish 3rd pair.

The rain held off for most of the afternoon but most pairs had to endure at least one short sharp shower.

Thanks to all the marshals, timekeepers, finish area hospitality (Steve!) and landowners for access. A big pat on the back for Chris Kirk who worked tirelessly in setting this event up - top job Chris!

Results (thanks to Chris) can be viewed HERE