Slooby Dhoo & Scrappy Dhoo 2020 - Postponed Indefinitely



The next race in the 2020 Callin Wild sponsored Manx Fell League will be the Slooby Dhoo on Saturday March 21st. It will be the 3rd round of the league and will cover an 9.5km course that takes in a hefty 750m of ascent including the infamous climb to the summit of Slieau Freoghane. Start time is 13.30 from the Ballaugh Plantation car park. Registration is from 12.15 until 13.15. The course is categorised as a short race which allows the organisers to make some concessions on runner`s safety gear if so wished. However, due to the severity of the route and the possibility of poor weather, it will be mandatory for all runner`s to carry full safety gear which will be checked at registration. Minimum age for entry in the Slooby Dhoo race is 18 years on race day.

Following on from the success of the junior and novice races at Ardwhallan and Creg Ny Baa we will be holding a shorter “Scrappy Dhoo” race . A 5km course has been identified with a good variety of terrain. Minimum age for this shorter race is 12.

Car parking is very limited and we would appeal to as many competitors as possible to car share. Anyone who travels via public transport will receive free race entry on production of their ticket. Service 5/6 serves Ballaugh village from both Ramsey, Peel and Douglas and are well timed to coincide with the start of registration. See HERE for details.

All the marshal`s positions on the Slooby require a bit of a hike. If you fancy a bit of exercise and help the club we will need people to man safety controls at Slieau Curn, Slieau Freoghane and Slieau Dhoo. Please get in touch as soon as possible.