Winter Hill League Round 2

The second round of the Aston International sponsored Winter Hill League will take place on Saturday 13th November at the Cringle Plantation. This race is always one of the most popular in the fell and hill running calendar. It is a testing but enjoyable course with the start and finish situated in a wonderfully picturesque setting. Race distance will be no more than 5km.

Start time is 13.30 with registration from 12.15 until 13.15. Minimum age is 12 years but they must be 13 years by 31st December.

If you pre entered for the first round at Slieau Whallian you will be automatically rolled over to Cringle plus the final round. This includes those who entered but did not run and those who entered on the day. Anyone else can pre-enter via Entry fee is £5 for seniors, no charge for juniors. New race numbers will be distributed at registration at each round. All age groups start together and safety gear is not required.

Parking is far from plentiful at Cringle. We will have marshals squeezing as many in as possible. Please follow their instructions. If possible car share to relieve matters. We have had excellent cooperation from everyone this last year on this issue so more of the same please.

Dixie is organising a night recce on Thursday evening, meet at 7pm at Cringle reservoir car park (head torch required).

We have had some great news regarding the venue for the final round in December. We have been granted permission to use the facilities at Ardwhallan which means we will have access to the toilets, changing rooms and kitchen. We will also be able to have the league presentation post race in the lecture room. Big thanks to all those behind the scenes who have made this possible.