North Barrule 2024

The Callin Wild Grand Tour of North Barrule is all set for next Tuesday - sign on from 6.00pm, races start at 7.00pm.

Please bring full race kit and be prepared to carry it. A decision will be made on the day if this requirement will be relaxed. Parking will be in a field off the Hibernia road, same place as last year - between the cattle grid by Dreamlang and the Ballure plantation. Look out for our fab hiviz heroes directing. Thanks to Philip Christian for the loan of the field.

Sign on from 6.00pm, will either be there OR in the start/finish area, depending on weather.

Start/finish W3W:

The shorter 'junior route' is different to last year, and is a circular route.

Here's to clear skies and fantastic views!

(Chris Kirk)