Slooby Dhoo & Scrappy Dhoo 2020 - Postponed Indefinitely



The next race in the 2020 Callin Wild sponsored Manx Fell League will be the Slooby Dhoo on Saturday March 21st. It will be the 3rd round of the league and will cover an 9.5km course that takes in a hefty 750m of ascent including the infamous climb to the summit of Slieau Freoghane. Start time is 13.30 from the Ballaugh Plantation car park. Registration is from 12.15 until 13.15. The course is categorised as a short race which allows the organisers to make some concessions on runner`s safety gear if so wished. However, due to the severity of the route and the possibility of poor weather, it will be mandatory for all runner`s to carry full safety gear which will be checked at registration. Minimum age for entry in the Slooby Dhoo race is 18 years on race day.

Following on from the success of the junior and novice races at Ardwhallan and Creg Ny Baa we will be holding a shorter “Scrappy Dhoo” race . A 5km course has been identified with a good variety of terrain. Minimum age for this shorter race is 12.

Car parking is very limited and we would appeal to as many competitors as possible to car share. Anyone who travels via public transport will receive free race entry on production of their ticket. Service 5/6 serves Ballaugh village from both Ramsey, Peel and Douglas and are well timed to coincide with the start of registration. See HERE for details.

All the marshal`s positions on the Slooby require a bit of a hike. If you fancy a bit of exercise and help the club we will need people to man safety controls at Slieau Curn, Slieau Freoghane and Slieau Dhoo. Please get in touch as soon as possible.

Creg Ny Baa 2020 Results

We think this is Dave Peach! (Photo credit; gary christian)

We think this is Dave Peach! (Photo credit; gary christian)

A fantastic entry in Sunday’s Creg Ny Baa race with 110 tackling the long course and 29 in the short course. Conditions were cold and very windy on the tops with a few boggy sections to boot. The wind claimed a few hats from the summits!

Tom Cringle took a solid win over the long course with Joey Bond and Tom Hughes sharing the same time just 2 mins further back. Sarah Curphey took the ladies win by a narrow margin over Rosy Craine (1st Lady Vet 40)

The short course was won by the impressive 12 year old Cian Howard who led a quintet of Northern AC juniors to fill the top spots. Clubmate Catherine Perry was first lady ahead of Madison McMullan (also NAC) and Florence Griffin (Manx Harriers) who claimed 6th, 7th and 8th overall positions respectively.

Thanks to the marshals who endured harsh conditions out there, not least Les Brown who put in a great shift on the very breezy summit of Snaefell! Thanks to the Creg Ny Baa Hotel for their excellent hospitality and to the many runners who stayed on for chip baps and a drink.

Results can be found via the RESULTS PAGE.

Creg Ny Baa 2020 - Info & Pre Entry

Chip baps will be provided after the race

Chip baps will be provided after the race

The second round of the Callin Wild sponsored Manx Fell League will take place on Sunday 23rd February. The Mullaghbrack sponsored Creg Ny Baa Fell Race will return to its original start and finish near the Creg Ny Baa Hotel, Revised route description and map is available here Start time is 10.30 with registration from 9.15 until 10.15. Full safety gear is compulsory for all competitors which will be checked at registration. Minimum age to compete is 18 years on race day.

As in the recent Ardwhallan race there will be a shorter 5km course for juniors over 12 years and novice runners. This course will be fully flagged and will start at 10.45. It will be another counter in the junior championships. All runners will be required to carry a water proof top, hat, gloves and a whistle. Map and route description will be available soon.

There will be chip baps available at the Creg Ny Baa Hotel after the race for all competitors.



Ard Whallan Race 2020

Runners embark on the climb toward Colden in 2017

Runners embark on the climb toward Colden in 2017

The opening round of the 2020 Callin Wild sponsored Manx Fell Running League will take place on Saturday 25th January. The Ard Whallan race will start and finish at the Outdoor Pursuits Centre in West Baldwin where registration will be open from 12.15 until 13.15. Race will start at 13.30 and will be over a 12 km route that includes 750 m of ascent. New for 2020, there will also be a junior/novice course - see details below. Full safety gear is mandatory for all competitors and this will be checked at registration. The route includes the Cronk Breck checkpoint as per

Safety gear will consist of :-

Waterproof whole body cover. This means a waterproof jacket with an attached hood (an attached hood, unlike even the best hat, balaclava etc, will not blow away, get lost or left behind). For the legs, the outer layer should reach the ankles; just below the knee layers are not adequate. Other body cover appropriate for the weather conditions including, as a minimum, hat and gloves. The supafoil Suviva Jak jackets are not adequate safety gear this year. Also buffs and disposable gloves are not acceptable. You will also require a map, preferably waterproof, of the race route, compass and whistle. Emergency food is only compulsory in long races.

For the long course, minimum age for entry is 18 years on race day.

In an effort to get as many pre-entered as possible, on the day entries will be charged an additional £2 so will pay £7 to enter. Pre-entered runners will pay the usual £5 (juniors free)


Junior/Novice Course

New for 2020, a short 4.75km race route will be flagged for 12-18 year olds, and newcomers (any age) who would like to experience a fell race, but without the need for navigation. The race on this shorter route will be a counter in the Junior Fell League, but will not be a counter the Senior League. The race starts and finishes at Ard Whallan Outdoor Centre and will set off 15 minutes before the senior race, at 1.15pm. Sign on from 12.15pm. Juniors who have a signed consent form from St John’s, may enter online and turn up on race day. Other juniors may also enter online, but will need to have a completed consent form before they can race. (Available on the day) . In the event of low cloud/fog covering the tops, this race may be diverted to the bad weather option. Decision will be taken on the day. Start and finish remain the same. Please wear footwear suitable for off road running and bring and carry a waterproof hooded top, hat, gloves and whistle. Failure to have the correct gear may result in being refused a race number. By entering the race, it is assumed that you are fit and well enough to cope with a tough, off road race over open hillside.

Ard Whallan Junior.jpg

There is limited car parking at the centre plus space at the Colden car park which is a 5 minute walk from the start. Please do not park anywhere near the entrance to Ard Whallan on the West Baldwin Road. We strongly advise car sharing.

There will probably be livestock in the fields that we go through near the start and finish so please, no dogs as it is an especially sensitive time for farmers. It’s OK to take your dog in the confines of the Centre as long as they are on a lead.

As in previous years we have hired the hostel for anyone wishing to stop overnight. There are 30 beds in 5 dormitories. Please get in touch if you plan on stopping over. Most importantly the Ard Whallan will again be the designated cake race. Everyone is invited to bring a homemade cake to enjoy post race.

St Johns Fell Race 2020

Start time for the Moochers on Facebook sponsored St John`s fell race on New Year`s Day will be 14.00 with registration at the St John`s FC club house from 12.30 until 13.45. Distance will be 5km including 275m of ascent with the start and finish in the St John`s and Peel Cricket Club field. Minimum age for entry is 12 years on race day. Juniors can use the online entry below but must also complete a consent form on the day which will be valid for the rest of the year.

The organisers strongly advise all runners to carry a water proof jacket. If the weather is particularly poor this may be compulsory. Competitors are invited to wear fancy dress although this is optional but please keep this within reason. Although it is a race that primarily raises money for charity it is also officially registered with the Fell Runners Association and as such must follow the strict guidelines they set down.

Parking in St John`s should not be a problem. There is a huge park behind the Tynwald Hill Inn that can be accessed from Station Road, one at the old railway station park, again in Station Road and of course limited space at the football club. More space is available at DEFA on Foxdale Road, just a couple of minutes walk from the start area. Please do not park on the road outside the football club or cricket club.

Entry fees are £5 for seniors, £1 for juniors. All entry fees will be donated to charity.

Winter Hill League Round 3 - Glen Helen/Eairy Beg

A few points for those competing in Saturday`s final counter in the Aston International sponsored Winter Hill League. It must be stressed that car parking could well be a big problem at Glen Helen. This situation may be worsened due to the ongoing works within the glen which means the contractors are using a section of the car park for their hard core etc. The contractors have been very helpful and will endeavour to keep the area as clear as they can but it could mean losing a few valuable spaces. Please follow the marshal’s instructions when you arrive as they will endeavour to get everyone parked safely. We strongly advise car sharing. Please do not park anywhere on the TT course. Hopefully we will fit everyone in but if we have a situation where the car park is full we may have to close registration.

Registration will be from 12.15 until 13.15 at the function room at the new Glen Helen Glamping site. New race numbers will be issued to all runners. Start time is 13.30. The presentation of the league awards will take place at the Creek Inn in Peel at around 15.00. Food will be available for all competitors.

Anyone wishing to run who has not yet ran in a previous round can pre enter here.