Ard Whallan Fell Race 2022

Not long now until the opening round of the Callin Wild sponsored Manx Fell League. First up on Saturday 29th January is the challenging Ardwhallan race that will be run over a 12km course based at the Ardwhallan Outdoor Pursuit Centre in West Baldwin. Thanks to the centres Trustees for allowing the use of the facility. Minimum age is 18 years on race day and full safety gear is mandatory for all competitors. The kit will be checked at registration which will be held from 12.15 until 13.15. All those planning on running are advised to check out the race rules here Race starts at 13.30.

There will also be a short course race for the opening round of the Junior Fell League. This will be over a course of around 4.6kms. Juniors must be 12 years (13 by 31st December 2022) and the route will be fully marked and marshalled. All runners must carry a waterproof hooded top, waterproof trousers, hat, gloves and whistle. Senior runners can also enter the short race with the aim being to encourage newcomers to have a go at the fells in a relatively controlled environment. This shorter distance might also be of benefit to anyone on the comeback from injury.

We will have marshals helping with the parking at Ardwhallan. If you park outside please do so with care. Due to the Governments latest advice on Covid we shall try and have registration in an open environment. It may be possible to provide refreshments after the race but we plan on making a final decision nearer race day depending on the latest government advice. Pre entry link below.

Please remember the fields surrounding the pursuit centre are privately owned and access only available on race day.