Slooby Dhoo 2021 Pre Entry

With the cancellation of the Snaefell & Tholtans race and postponement or possible cancellation of the James Coulson Laxey race, the next fixture on the MFR calendar falls on Sunday 2nd May (Bank Holiday weekend) with the Slooby Dhoo race. The long course is an AM category and open to any runner aged 18 or over as of 31/12/2020. The short course is open to any runner aged 12 or over as of 31/12/2020 and forms part of the Junior League.

Camping is available at Ballamoar (as per 2020) for anyone wishing to make a weekend of it - details will be published nearer the time.




MFR Race Records & Stats

Many of you will have seen Ian Callister’s postings on Facebook which meticulously detail the ever increasing number of race records across each of our races (and multiple variations thereof!) Thanks to Ian for keeping an archive of these and now thanks also to Michael & Nathan Tait for taking considerable chunks of their own time in digitising these records into a searchable format. Use Ctrl + F or the search function in your PDF viewer to search for names, course names etc.

MFR Book 1 - Race Records

MFR Book 2 - Wins & Finishes

Walters Book (previously published but included here for reference)

Searchable race results 1984 - 1990 (work in progress!)

Baldwin Valleys 2021 Results

Congratulations to the 43 short course runners and 129 long course runners who completed their respective courses in what turned out to be quite glorious conditions, possibly even a tad warm!

The short course was off first and won by Cian Howard with Madison McMullan first lady, both of Northern AC. FULL RESULTS FROM THE SHORT COURSE HERE

The long course honours were taken by Orran Smith (MFR) and Alice Forster (MFR). Provisional LONG COURSE RESULTS HERE

Junior League Table to date HERE

(thanks to Tony Partridge for the photos)

Baldwin Valleys Entry

Baldwin Valleys Race

After a successful recce of the Baldwin Valley's short course (with thanks to Chris Kirk and Steve Taggart), pre entry is now open for the 2nd counter in the Callin Wild Manx Fell Running League via the link below. A map of the short course route can be veiwed HERE. Route descriptions and maps for the long course are available via the entry link below or HERE. Further details on the short course route will be published in advance of race day but as per previous short races the route will be fully flagged.

Pre Entry

Pre-entry is now closed. A limited number of entries will be available on the day.

Entry list at

Ard Whallan 2021 - Info and Entry

The 2021 Callin Wild sponsored Manx Fell League is scheduled to start on Saturday 6th February. The Ardwhallan Fell Race will be based at the Outdoor Pursuit Centre in West Baldwin. Start time is 13.30 with registration in the Centre`s Lecture Room from 12.15 until 13.15. Full safety gear is compulsory to all competitors and this will be checked at registration. Please note that due to a change in FRA rules there is a compulsory requirement for all runners to carry a food ration in all medium races. Minimum age is 18 years but runners of this age must turn 19 by 31/12/21.

A sizeable entry is expected and this may cause car parking problems. If possible please car share and if parking outside the centre do so with great care.

The opening round of the junior championships will be held over a shorter 5km course. This race will also be open to seniors with the aim to encourage newer runners in to the sport. The route will be clearly flagged and marshalled. Due to competitors entering this race being less experienced on the fells it may well have to be postponed if weather conditions are deemed to be too severe. Minimum age is 12 years but runners of this age must turn 13 by 31/12/21. This race will probably start around 5 minutes after the full course race. Short/junior course runners must bring waterproof jacket (not just windproof), waterproof trousers, hat, gloves and whistle.

Hot food and drinks will be available in the lecture room after both races - check the options

If anyone is planning on having a look at either course please note that the section through the fields from Ard Whallan is private land and only accessible on race day.




2021 Rule Changes

The FRA have published their handbook and there are a couple of changes that affect our races this year.

1) Emergency food must now be carried on medium as well as long races.

2) As our short courses are under 5k, junior runners for our short course series must be 13 years old by 31/12/21 (i.e have turned 12 in 2020)

3) Junior runners wishing to compete in medium or long races must be 19 years old by the 31/12/21.

4) As well as a waterproof jacket, waterproof trousers are required for all races (this has always been the case but is specifically mentioned for juniors, so worth a reminder). As good practice, all runners, including novice and junior runners, should bring a bumbag or rucksack with all kit (full waterproof body cover, hat, gloves, whistle, food, map and compass). However for the flagged routes, a compass and map is not necessary. For short races, the Race Organiser has discretion as to what is carried on the day. However it is your responsibility to come prepared.